I’ve set a goal for March 2021.
Complete one blog post a week here at HNWW.
It’s hard to believe two months of 2021 are already gone. It’s surreal because I don’t feel like I was any part of that time passing: Where have I been? What I have been doing? Was I productive?
That aside, I love the beginning of a new month, honestly. It brings so much potential, so much promise. I have goals and visions; some that I can maintain, some that fall by the wayside. I certainly don’t think I’m special in that regard – most of us work in that way, I think.
I’ve tweaked some things here at the Writer & Wanderer website recently because I’ve been asking myself two overarching questions: Why do I have this website and what important things do I have to say?
Obviously, this is firstly a place to keep my Dungeons & Dragons-playing friends and fans up to speed on our adventures.
But, I also want to talk about other stuff. Stuff that hurts my head and stuff that makes me laugh.
There’s a million blogs and websites out there that contain “people’s ramblings”. They’re all in the same boat as me in regards to have stuff to say. And all of us ramblers are in the same “I have too much to worry about and too little time to spend my days reading others’ ramblings” boat.
So, how am I any different?
I’m probably not.
What I have noticed in the last few years (looking at you especially, 2020) since I disconnected my Blogspot account is that I struggle more and more to keep my mind straight. I am a list-maker by nature, but I feel obsessive about it now. Like, if I don’t write it down and bullet it out right away, I’ll forget it in the mass of other thoughts and priorities crowding themselves about in my mind. That makes me panic; I don’t like feeling a loss of control like that.
Consequently, there are pads of paper and half-scribbled in notebooks scattered around my house. I find that more stressful, actually, because there’s no rhyme or reason, no discernible sense of organization to the writing. As I get older, I don’t know if it will get any better.
So now we begin here…
This particular category of the website will contain posts in which I attempt to make sense of the questions and concerns that spring up in my world. The tone may most often be serious or informative, but hopefully not cumbersome or pompous. I do also plan to discuss food stuff, which may crop up here now and then, but mostly will stay over in its special little Food room. There, I hope to be more witty and irreverent. Because I definitely need more of that in my life.
I know there is just a creative self inside of me that needs to do her thing. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’m back.
Hell, could I be any more vague and cliche?
Answer: Of course.
Thanks for hanging in there,