Opportunities Abound!

Well met, friends! A long, hot summer has passed and our group has finally been able to reconvene the adventures in The Free City of Greyhawk.

So that you all remember…

Fiona: Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Jenny)
Thalia: High Elf Wizard (Kurt)
Gallant: Wood Elf Fighter (Christina)
Ahfa: Human Paladin (Brent)
Zulu: Dwarf Cleric (Javin)

The party has been out and about in the Free City, doing various and sundry, and as the night creeps in, they decide to make their way back to the GDI.

At the bar sit three folk that our adventurers recognize: Ricard Damaris, Tirra…and only Zulu knows the third person on sight. It’s none other than Unthias Fell, the gentleman who approached the cleric at the DMM competition.

Mr. Fell introduces himself as a minor functionary within the Merchant and Traders Union (MTU), and he has an offer than ends up being quite hard to resist: With 3 platinum pieces and an offer of employment, he states he and his organization seek the retrieval of any stolen goods that might be in the dungeons of Castle Greyhawk (many of Greyhawk’s legit traders have fallen victim to the raids as of late). He is authorized to pay out up to 5000 gp, depending on how much is returned. Upon asking, he says the party may come to him at the MTU in the Thieves’ Q tomorrow morning for a full supplies list. Mr. Fell departs shortly afterwards.

Gallant then notices a very young man speaking to the barkeep, who eventually sends him to the questers’ table. The young man carries a message for the paladin. There is much questioning of this courier about Anthony, and the young man is cagey until he is given 5 gp by Thalia and promised another five upon deliverance of information. Money does, indeed, talk. Michael bolts faster than a streak of Zeus’s lightning.
But, surprisingly (or maybe not), the party fails to inquire about Ahfa’s message as soon as he receives it. And, in a great pluck of dramatic irony, it is soon revealed that the note Ahfa received contains info about Anthony’s whereabouts (the Slum Quarter) AND 5 gp for travel expenses…which the party never received because Michael jetted before he handed over the funds.

Eventually, the party is able to snag a moment with the ever-popular Ricard for a moment. They ask about his Blade of Chaos – only to find that he didn’t necessarily come by it honestly (which should be no surprise with magical weapons, eh?). Ricard explains that he got it from a troll’s hoard. He explains that when one attunes with it, the sword bestows magical properties upon the wielder. He describes the prized weapon as having a blue stone in the handle, and it’s realized that Thalia (or perhaps Gallant with that amulet) will have no problem discerning what this weapon is when the time comes. There is also more general Greyhawk lore from Ricard: he confirms the rumor of the God Trap in deep depths of Castle Greyhawk, but he then insists they should speak with Lord Robilar, the legendary expert on all things Castle Greyhawk, only Ricard then mentions he hasn’t seen Robilar in quite some time himself.

Ahfa’s PTSD from the Succubus incident kicks in as the adventurers then opt to speak with Tirra – a friendly, outgoing, vivacious half-elf, a good friend of Ricard’s. As a member of the Thieves Guild, she welcomes the chance for some juicy conversation with our brave champions. Our heroes inquire: Where do they (Clerkburg kids) go for fun? Tirra confesses that the Clerkburg kids are usually content to putter around the River Q for kicks and giggles, but every now and then, a brave soul wanders down to the Slum Q for some true, real-world learning. Ahfa, in a weird, abashed kind of way asks Tirra: Amalia – do you know her? To which, the half-elf responses with: Yes, she’s friends with Ricard, and the rest of the party realizes they would have to be blind not to noticed Tirra is being awfully flirty with the paladin. For all the good it does for the traumatized paladin.

Fiona goes on to inquire about if it is wise to travel and explore Castle Greyhawk at this time, and Tirra explains that the castle has been plundered many times over the years, and she’s not entirely sure how much treasure may or may not still exist there. However, she goes on to say, rumors surface all the times about Castle Greyhawk’s mysteries, and as we all know, rumors must come from some place of truth.
Ahfa, in the winning comment of the day, thanks Tirra…or, as he says Tirra-Me-Su, before he begins blushing, furiously. The party decides to exit the Green Dragon Inn and head straight for the Slum Q, per Ramston’s tip. Ahfa inquires (about Tirra), was she a succubus? before claiming that he “was under a spell”.

It’s evident how the Slum Q got its name at the party comes nearer. Dilapidated shacks, shelters, lean-to homes are evident everywhere. Most of the inhabitants look tired and worn out…by life in general.
The first person Fiona sees that might be receptive to chatting is not impressed with Fiona’s low charisma, and eventually turns her back on the group. And with the usual Gallant panache, the fighter makes everything right. With bribery.

The party goes down the alley towards The Dragon Turtle Tavern (the info from the bribed streetwoman), but not before getting pickpocketed by tiny alley urchins in the process before coming to a dingy shack sporting a crudely painted sign. It’s a dirty bar, a small bar, and Fiona opts to throw her ball bearings (as if by accident) to provide the opportunity to the group to fan about the room and investigate the weary patrons inside.

Despite its initial awkwardness, the plan works as one of the hooded, secretive couples in the bar turns out to be Anthony and an unnamed female. It’s quite an emotional exchange as Anthony confesses he’s in love with the girl across from him. Basically, she’s from the Slum Q, and not up to Frederick’s standards, and Anthony hasn’t quite had the guts to tell his father the truth. He confesses to the group that he hopes to graduate, get a decent-paying job and leave his family behind altogether. Eventually our noble questers are able to convince Anthony to come back with them, tell his parents the whole truth, come clean and dictate his own path. Some time later, there is an emotional reunion between the son and his parents. Fiona does help to smooth over the exchange and before long, the party departs with gold pieces in their pockets and a positive outlook on love.

The evening ends with a quick discusses getting an Amulet identified (the one Gallant is carrying), and in the morning, getting the paperwork from the MTU is priority.

The excitement is building, friends, and I am duly glad you are here to share in it with me.

As always your scribe,
